Will and Estates.

Wills and Estate Planning far more than preparing documents, it’s about gaining peace of mind, knowing you and your loved ones will be taken care during your life and after you pass away.

With combined knowledge and technical expertise, in every situation, we advise on practical solutions and understandable plans.

Problems can arise when individuals don’t properly and specifically coordinate the methods in which their estate should be passed. If you have a well-outlined estate plan in place, you secure peace of mind in ensuring that your estate passes to the family members or friends that you have specified, and is carried out in the manner that you have planned.

We work with clients on all documents you’ll need for your estate planning:

  • Will preparation

  • Estate Planning

  • Powers of Attorney

  • Testamentary Trust Wills

  • Contesting a Will

  • Appointment of Enduring Guardians

  • Superannuation entitlements

  • Applications for Probate

  • Applications for Letters of Administration

  • Representing executors and beneficiaries of estates

  • Estate litigation

You might think, “Surely I can do this myself with a DIY Will kit, can’t I?”.  And yes, you can. But you can also renovate your kitchen yourself. In fact, you could do most thing, but if you want one that covers legal contingencies and that, if contested, is iron-tight, you might want to call us to talk about it.

Please make an appointment and come in for a chat to discuss your situation and how we can help.

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A Will has many benefits, including distributing assets on death, however recent research has shown that the other benefits of making a Will, including appointing guardians for infant children, choosing executors and setting out funeral arrangements, are undervalued by Australians.