Commercial Law.
Commercial law is about the day-to-day operational legal needs of a corporate client. It's the core of your business, and servicing it also happens to be something we’re very good at.
But what does that mean day-to-day? It means drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts of infinite variety.
It’s setting you up with a manageable, simple english set of standard contracts that are best in house and are tailored to your commercial risk profile; advising on the legal aspects of big and small commercial decisions; ensuring you comply with all the laws and regulations that govern your business; and pointing out and helping you manage your legal risks well before they end up hurting you.
We cross the T’s and dot the I’s on the following:
Commercial and retail leases
Commercial retail property conveyancing
Finance, drafting and reviewing mortgages, guarantees
Franchise agreements / License agreements
Buying and selling businesses
Put and call options
Commercial documents
Business structures – companies, trusts and partnerships
Litigation and dispute resolution
Risk management
Commercial advice
Commercial law is about the day-to-day operational legal needs of a corporate client.